Why replace its cosmetics and conventional hygiene products?

Because the vast majority of them contain ingredients dangerous to your health in the long run. The skin is the largest organ of the human body. Many products can penetrate, including ingredients disrupting hormones (called "endocrine disruptors"), present in our gels showers, creams, masks ... Small doses in small doses, some accumulate in the body over the days and years and may eventually significantly increase the risk of cancer.
More than 70% of cosmetics sold today contain at least one ingredient that is toxic to human health or the environment (source: Slow Cosmetics).
Because conventional cosmetics and soaps (that is to say non-organic) very often contain petroleum derivatives (mineral oils, materials derived from plastics, etc.). In addition to posing a risk to your health, some of these substances, once in wastewater, will not be properly filtered in wastewater treatment plants. They will be released in the seas and rivers where they will have great negative environmental impacts on fauna, flora, soil or groundwater.
Because it will reduce the (many) packaging that you throw away.
A French person throws an average of 47kg of packaging every year (source: Eco-Emballages).
How to do it quickly and easily?
Replacing one's cosmetics (and hygiene products) with healthy ingredients and home-made ones can be accessible to all and only take a few seconds ... provided you choose the right recipes.
Escape complex, time-consuming recipes that require complex ingredients and equipment, and buy online (such as a bain-marie, thermometer, apricot kernel oil, ginko biloba powder, etc.). ).
Always go for simplicity! Choose recipes that require ultra-simple materials (a spoon and a jar are enough to make all your cosmetics!), Healthy and cheap ingredients that you already have at home (lemon, honey, vegetable oil, ... ) and in small numbers (the recipes in this article each contain 2 ingredients maximum).
Do not bother trying to do everything at home. Some products, such as shampoo or soap, would be very complex to do yourself. In addition, you can easily find wholesome, ethical and environmentally friendly (see the brands I recommend in this article). Buy them still organic and certified by reliable labels (see end of article for more tips).
If you wish, here is a memo recipes article (to share without moderation with your friends, families, colleagues, ...)
1- Replace your traditional shower gel with a natural solid soap
Without pollutant or toxic packaging or ingredients, a natural solid soap is a simple solution.
However, a soap is not healthier because it is solid. To make sure it is, choose it always certified organic and having a list of ingredients as short as possible.
The bonus: a solid soap will last much longer than a bottle of shower gel. It is therefore an ecological and economical solution.
2- Replace your classic shampoo with a biological shampoo (solid or liquid)
After having personally tested and approved (for their quality and their impact on health and the environment), I recommend these brands:
liquid shampoo: the brand Cosmos Naturel
solid shampoo: the brand Pachamamaï (handcrafted products in France, on sale at Day by Day stores or online).
3- Adopt a dry vegetable oil for the hydration of your skin
Dry vegetable oils (jojoba, sesame, hazelnut, ...) provide the skin with the necessary nutrients to better maintain its hydration. To find out more, here is the article "What effective and natural alternative to industrial and dangerous" moisturizing "creams? " (click here)
Always choose a pure vegetable oil (the oil must be the only ingredient: no glitter, artificial flavors, preservatives or dyes, potentially toxic), organic (to avoid traces of pesticides) and extracted cold (also called " virgin ": this preserves all the good properties of the oil, which the heat would destroy).
Personally, I use hazelnut oil (from France or Italy), because its production is more local than other oils (jojoba, sesame, ...).
4- Use shea butter to replace your sticks and balms
Shea butter is very nourishing, and therefore perfect to prevent dryness of the skin or accelerate its healing.
It perfectly replaces lip sticks, healing balms, hand creams, feet, elbows, etc.
Choose it always pure, organic and fair (see tip # 3 to find out why).
5- Forget the hair masks and use what you already have!
Use the vegetable oil you use for moisturizing your skin (see tip # 3) or your shea butter (see tip # 4), to repair and nourish your hair.
6- Make yourself ultra-easy to use masks and cleansers
Use honey and lemon, simple and naturally antibacterial ingredients, to make an anti-pimple mask that will cleanse your skin.
7- Make your own paste deodorant in 30 seconds
Use coconut oil (naturally antibacterial) and food baking soda (naturally absorbent and deodorant). Mix both in a small glass jar. You will get a white paste, to apply in a small amount under each arm.
The production of coconut oil is a source of strong environmental impacts (transport, resources, surface, etc.). It is therefore to be used only when it can not be replaced by another more local vegetable oil. In the dedorant recipe, another oil does not have the same properties (solid oil and antibacterial), so we use coconut oil.
8- When you do not want / can not do home, buy organic and certified
When you do not want to make some products yourself, such as toothpaste, be careful not to fall into some marketing pitfalls. Click here to learn in a few minutes how not to be had: "Cosmetics (really) natural and healthy: 8 traps to avoid to choose well".
Always buy organic cosmetics and hygiene products. The producer, in order to obtain this certification, must respect criteria relating to the environmental and sanitary impacts of the ingredients used. Many toxic and / or polluting ingredients are therefore prohibited in certified organic products.
For even more guarantees, prefer the products having the logos presented above (Ecocert, Nature & Progress, NATRUE, BDIH and Slow Cosmetics).
For other recipes of cosmetics and household products ultra simple and to learn to easily recognize and replace your toxic products, my book "Zero Plastic Zero Toxic" offers 101 tips and DIY accessible to all! For more information: "Environment and Health: the book" Zero plastic, zero toxic ", the guide to learn how to recognize and avoid toxic substances in everyday life".
It perfectly replaces lip sticks, healing balms, hand creams, feet, elbows, etc.
Choose it always pure, organic and fair (see tip # 3 to find out why).
5- Forget the hair masks and use what you already have!
Use the vegetable oil you use for moisturizing your skin (see tip # 3) or your shea butter (see tip # 4), to repair and nourish your hair.
6- Make yourself ultra-easy to use masks and cleansers
Use honey and lemon, simple and naturally antibacterial ingredients, to make an anti-pimple mask that will cleanse your skin.
7- Make your own paste deodorant in 30 seconds
Use coconut oil (naturally antibacterial) and food baking soda (naturally absorbent and deodorant). Mix both in a small glass jar. You will get a white paste, to apply in a small amount under each arm.
The production of coconut oil is a source of strong environmental impacts (transport, resources, surface, etc.). It is therefore to be used only when it can not be replaced by another more local vegetable oil. In the dedorant recipe, another oil does not have the same properties (solid oil and antibacterial), so we use coconut oil.
8- When you do not want / can not do home, buy organic and certified
When you do not want to make some products yourself, such as toothpaste, be careful not to fall into some marketing pitfalls. Click here to learn in a few minutes how not to be had: "Cosmetics (really) natural and healthy: 8 traps to avoid to choose well".
Always buy organic cosmetics and hygiene products. The producer, in order to obtain this certification, must respect criteria relating to the environmental and sanitary impacts of the ingredients used. Many toxic and / or polluting ingredients are therefore prohibited in certified organic products.
For even more guarantees, prefer the products having the logos presented above (Ecocert, Nature & Progress, NATRUE, BDIH and Slow Cosmetics).
For other recipes of cosmetics and household products ultra simple and to learn to easily recognize and replace your toxic products, my book "Zero Plastic Zero Toxic" offers 101 tips and DIY accessible to all! For more information: "Environment and Health: the book" Zero plastic, zero toxic ", the guide to learn how to recognize and avoid toxic substances in everyday life".
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