So you want to make money online.
You have probably already found a lot of bloggers that explain how to do it. And probably most of them are not earning a euro (flee from whoever tells you to fill out surveys or click on ads to generate income).
Not to mention those who only earn money selling courses where they teach how to earn money. Paradoxical, right?
Is not my style. I've been living on the Internet for years, generating thousands of euros and learning the ins and outs of online business.
First of all you should know that making money online is not easy or fast. It never has been, regardless of what you read or want to sell.
I had to put in a lot of effort and sacrifice a lot of my free time. I have spent sleepless nights, I have invested hundreds of hours in learning and I have given up my vacations while trying to earn my first euros.
But it was worth it.
The great advantage is that it is no longer necessary to have technical knowledge. Before you should know how to program to create a website, but today there are so intuitive systems that even a child would know how to do it.
So the opportunity is now.
In this article I am going to reveal the 10 best ways to earn money on the Internet because of its economic potential, simplicity and ability to generate income in a stable manner. And since I want to be totally transparent with you, I will also show you my own results.
I remind you that here you will not find high-risk systems or ridiculous income like filling out online surveys or playing poker. If you want to make real money, you're going to have to work it out.
Active income versus liabilities
Before you start, you should know that there are two ways to make money online: active systems and liabilities.
Assets are those that require you to be doing something to generate income, such as selling crafts made by you, translating texts or playing poker.
The liabilities are those that, once created, do not require practically any more action on your part. Think of the advertising revenue generated by the readers of a website or the dividends you get with an investment. After the initial effort, then you do not have to do practically anything else.
The latter are the most desired.
Thanks to passive systems you can continue generating income while you sleep, you are traveling or you dedicate your time to anything else. They not only give you money: they also give you freedom.
And it's not that the active systems are bad, but the Internet is like a showcase that never closes. It is always running, and you can take advantage of it to get a steady stream of income.
How to make money online: 10 formulas that work
Let's see now the best ways to make money online because of its economic potential, simplicity and reliability.
1. Earn money with affiliate marketing
This is the system with which I earned my first euros, and in my opinion it is one of the most affordable ways for any beginner who wants to generate passive income.
Barely requires knowledge, the investment is almost zero and its income potential is very high. Also, once assembled you can practically forget about it: only a minimum maintenance will be necessary.
Affiliate marketing consists in creating a website where you will publish analysis and product recommendations. In those analyzes you will link to other websites where they sell the product. If you end up buying, the seller will give you a commission for having referred a customer.
Logically, you must first have reached an agreement with those web pages. Luckily, today there are affiliate platforms (the best known is Amazon Affiliates) where you only have to register to be part of that agreement.
Amazon affiliates
Let's say you're passionate about photography. You could create a web page where you would post analyzes of different cameras or lenses with a link to the product page on Amazon for readers interested in buying.
This, for example, is an affiliate link.
Your website would appear in search engines like Google when people searched for analysis or comparisons of those cameras. They would enter your article, they would click on the affiliate link and, in case they ended up buying, Amazon would give you a percentage.
Do you see where the grace is? You create a web page, publish articles and, once you have visitors, it becomes an automatic system that you should not be attending constantly.
The income potential of this system depends on the market you have chosen (the more that category of products is sold online and the more expensive they are, the better), but also the time you spend.
Basically, these are the tasks you should do:
Create a website. You can do it in 15 minutes with this tutorial.
Write analyzes, comparisons and recommendations. You will invest most of your time here. You can pay someone to do it, but I recommend that at the beginning you write to acquire knowledge and practice.
Position your website in the search engines. Although in the markets with less competition your website can be positioned practically alone, sometimes you will need to present your website in other places on the Internet to be more visible.
Okay, but how much money are we talking about?
I like that you ask me this question. So you can see what this system is capable of, this is what two of my affiliate websites generated during the month of July 2018.
This is the most veteran website (I'm very fond of it), in a technology niche:
Earning some money with affiliation is relatively simple, but if you want to invoice figures like these you will have to dedicate many hours and effort.
So forget about anyone selling you that you can set up such a system on a Caribbean beach overnight. To earn more than a ten euros a month you will have to sacrifice much of your free time.
The good news is that, after the initial effort, you can dedicate yourself to reap the rewards. Not to mention that you can keep the system at a distance, working from anywhere in the world (something important for a travel lover like me).
If you are looking for a tutorial to learn how to sign up and earn money with Amazon Affiliates, click here.
Simple and easy to implement, even for people without experience
Passive generation system of income: you must not manage stock or make shipments
High income potential
It can be integrated into your blog if you already have one
The commissions of the best-selling products are usually low
The challenge is to position the web above the online stores
There is more and more competition, the opportunity is now!
2. Create a website and monetize it with Adsense
Another of the best ways to make money online passively is monetizing web pages with advertising.
The concept is similar to that of affiliate marketing: you create a web page about a topic, you attract readers and once they are there, they earn money when they perform a certain action.
The great advantage of advertising is that you do not need the reader to buy for you to take a commission. The most common is that you earn money when the reader clicks on an ad (what is known as PPC -Pago Per Clic-).
In fact, this is the way the most important ad network in the world works: Google Adsense.
Adsense is so popular thanks to its ease of use and number of advertisers. You simply sign up and, once your application has been approved, you can put ads on your website by inserting a small code.
With Adsense you do not choose what type of ads appear: Google is responsible for doing it automatically according to the theme of your website and the profile of the reader. In this way you can display personalized ads for each reader, which has three benefits:
Maximize the money you can earn with advertising. The more relevant and specific an ad is, the more likely the reader will click on it.
It avoids having to contact directly with any advertiser. There are hundreds of thousands of companies advertising through Adsense.
That the ads do not seem forced. By being customized for the reader and the theme of the web, they are integrated quite naturally in the pages.
Unlike affiliate marketing, here the ideal is to create a web page that provides general information on a given topic instead of publishing comparisons and analysis.
For example, you could create a web page where you publish cooking recipes or information about dogs or even dinosaurs (like this website).
The potential of this system depends fundamentally on three things: the theme you have chosen, the number of visits the website has and the percentage of those visits that click on the ads.
Adsense ads
The first point, the subject, is fundamental, because according to that you will earn more or less money per click.
For example, on a website about cats, Adsense may advertise cat food. However, in a website about university courses surely appear postgraduate and master ads that cost a fortune.
In which one would you earn more money when a reader clicked?
Indeed, in the second. As the advertised product is more expensive, the advertiser is willing to pay more money.
To know what potential a theme has with Adsense, use the Keyword Planner. Enter the subject there and see if it is something that is searched a lot in Google, and how much you will pay advertisers per click (what is called bid).
One part of the bid (over 40%) is left by you and the other Google, so the higher the bid, the more money you can earn with a web on this subject.
Each click would generate about 4.6 euros (40% of the average of the bids), so 60,000 page views per month would result in:
60,000 page views / month x 1.5% clicks x 4.6 euros -> 4,140 euros / month
In addition to what you pay per click, the income potential is determined by the number of visits that the website has. And that depends on the number of people looking for information on this topic on Google.
Fortunately, the Google Keyword Planner also offers an approximate range of how many times a month a specific word or phrase is searched 🙂
I know first-hand people who bill thousands of euros a month with Adsense. In my case, I have only used it as a complement to badly paid and unimproved topics, and still provides me with about one hundred euros per month.
Adsense not optimized
Note: I recently started a project exclusively with Adsense, and will soon update the results here.
Monetizing web pages with Adsense is simple, but to generate thousands of euros you must choose a profitable theme and work hard creating content and positioning them in Google.
With some effort you can get a bonus a month
Does not require just investment
Relatively simple to implement
Does not require a constant content update (unlike affiliate marketing)
3. Sell courses and services with your blog
If the previous two were two of the best ways to earn money online, this is the BEST way to make money online.
But like everything, the more money can generate something, the more effort it requires.
It's about creating a blog about a specific topic, positioning yourself as an expert in it, and selling your own online courses for payment.
Sounds difficult? It takes effort, but it's not that complicated. The key is to choose a topic that you master, where there are people interested, and build a reputation by publishing content.
The advantage of online payment courses is that they can become totally passive systems, because once created it costs you the same to sell one than two hundred. You only have to publish it in video or PDF format and sell it through an automated system to your subscribers.
This is what I do in my blog As I am passionate about social psychology, a few years ago I decided to start a blog offering scientific and practical information to shy people who seek to improve their social relationships.
At first he hardly had any readers, but little by little he became popular. Today I monetize him with online courses where I teach to overcome social fears and achieve a more charismatic personality.
Every time someone subscribes to the blog, a sequence of emails that send you valuable information is activated. After a week, receive an email presenting the premium video course in case you want to register.
In this way I invoice on automatic pilot an average of 1,000 euros per week with something that makes me feel proud.
There are blogs and online courses of almost any subject that you can think of. From courses to learn to read faster, management of family finances or Excel for students of letters.
The only requirement is that you solve a problem that your audience would be willing to pay for.
Generating money with this system is not fast, since you must work hard to earn the trust of the readers, but you will be building a long-term, solid and differential online business.
The biggest obstacle is not technical (today it is tremendously easy to create a blog), but mental: many people believe that they have nothing to teach, are afraid to expose themselves to criticism or spend months wondering about which topic to choose.
You should know that the vast majority of bloggers have started with those doubts. But they took the step, and as they were creating content for their blog they were gaining more experience and knowledge.
So if you think you have something to contribute, however small it may be (there will always be someone who knows less than you), and do not fear exposing yourself publicly, this is your best option.
If you want to discover all the ways to earn money with a blog, visit this article.
Anyone can create a course based on their knowledge
The process can be automated 100%
Difficult that competitors can copy you
It has the highest revenue potential of all systems
You will feel more fulfilled
You must create high quality free content
Some people are afraid to expose themselves publicly
Preparing the automatic sales system requires a lot of dedication
To be completed in another article
You have probably already found a lot of bloggers that explain how to do it. And probably most of them are not earning a euro (flee from whoever tells you to fill out surveys or click on ads to generate income).
Not to mention those who only earn money selling courses where they teach how to earn money. Paradoxical, right?
Is not my style. I've been living on the Internet for years, generating thousands of euros and learning the ins and outs of online business.
First of all you should know that making money online is not easy or fast. It never has been, regardless of what you read or want to sell.
I had to put in a lot of effort and sacrifice a lot of my free time. I have spent sleepless nights, I have invested hundreds of hours in learning and I have given up my vacations while trying to earn my first euros.
But it was worth it.
The great advantage is that it is no longer necessary to have technical knowledge. Before you should know how to program to create a website, but today there are so intuitive systems that even a child would know how to do it.
So the opportunity is now.
In this article I am going to reveal the 10 best ways to earn money on the Internet because of its economic potential, simplicity and ability to generate income in a stable manner. And since I want to be totally transparent with you, I will also show you my own results.
I remind you that here you will not find high-risk systems or ridiculous income like filling out online surveys or playing poker. If you want to make real money, you're going to have to work it out.
Active income versus liabilities
Before you start, you should know that there are two ways to make money online: active systems and liabilities.
Assets are those that require you to be doing something to generate income, such as selling crafts made by you, translating texts or playing poker.
The liabilities are those that, once created, do not require practically any more action on your part. Think of the advertising revenue generated by the readers of a website or the dividends you get with an investment. After the initial effort, then you do not have to do practically anything else.
The latter are the most desired.
Thanks to passive systems you can continue generating income while you sleep, you are traveling or you dedicate your time to anything else. They not only give you money: they also give you freedom.
And it's not that the active systems are bad, but the Internet is like a showcase that never closes. It is always running, and you can take advantage of it to get a steady stream of income.
How to make money online: 10 formulas that work
Let's see now the best ways to make money online because of its economic potential, simplicity and reliability.
1. Earn money with affiliate marketing
This is the system with which I earned my first euros, and in my opinion it is one of the most affordable ways for any beginner who wants to generate passive income.
Barely requires knowledge, the investment is almost zero and its income potential is very high. Also, once assembled you can practically forget about it: only a minimum maintenance will be necessary.
Affiliate marketing consists in creating a website where you will publish analysis and product recommendations. In those analyzes you will link to other websites where they sell the product. If you end up buying, the seller will give you a commission for having referred a customer.
Logically, you must first have reached an agreement with those web pages. Luckily, today there are affiliate platforms (the best known is Amazon Affiliates) where you only have to register to be part of that agreement.
Amazon affiliates
Let's say you're passionate about photography. You could create a web page where you would post analyzes of different cameras or lenses with a link to the product page on Amazon for readers interested in buying.
This, for example, is an affiliate link.
Your website would appear in search engines like Google when people searched for analysis or comparisons of those cameras. They would enter your article, they would click on the affiliate link and, in case they ended up buying, Amazon would give you a percentage.
Do you see where the grace is? You create a web page, publish articles and, once you have visitors, it becomes an automatic system that you should not be attending constantly.
The income potential of this system depends on the market you have chosen (the more that category of products is sold online and the more expensive they are, the better), but also the time you spend.
Basically, these are the tasks you should do:
Create a website. You can do it in 15 minutes with this tutorial.
Write analyzes, comparisons and recommendations. You will invest most of your time here. You can pay someone to do it, but I recommend that at the beginning you write to acquire knowledge and practice.
Position your website in the search engines. Although in the markets with less competition your website can be positioned practically alone, sometimes you will need to present your website in other places on the Internet to be more visible.
Okay, but how much money are we talking about?
I like that you ask me this question. So you can see what this system is capable of, this is what two of my affiliate websites generated during the month of July 2018.
This is the most veteran website (I'm very fond of it), in a technology niche:
Earning some money with affiliation is relatively simple, but if you want to invoice figures like these you will have to dedicate many hours and effort.
So forget about anyone selling you that you can set up such a system on a Caribbean beach overnight. To earn more than a ten euros a month you will have to sacrifice much of your free time.
The good news is that, after the initial effort, you can dedicate yourself to reap the rewards. Not to mention that you can keep the system at a distance, working from anywhere in the world (something important for a travel lover like me).
If you are looking for a tutorial to learn how to sign up and earn money with Amazon Affiliates, click here.
Simple and easy to implement, even for people without experience
Passive generation system of income: you must not manage stock or make shipments
High income potential
It can be integrated into your blog if you already have one
The commissions of the best-selling products are usually low
The challenge is to position the web above the online stores
There is more and more competition, the opportunity is now!
2. Create a website and monetize it with Adsense
Another of the best ways to make money online passively is monetizing web pages with advertising.
The concept is similar to that of affiliate marketing: you create a web page about a topic, you attract readers and once they are there, they earn money when they perform a certain action.
The great advantage of advertising is that you do not need the reader to buy for you to take a commission. The most common is that you earn money when the reader clicks on an ad (what is known as PPC -Pago Per Clic-).
In fact, this is the way the most important ad network in the world works: Google Adsense.
Adsense is so popular thanks to its ease of use and number of advertisers. You simply sign up and, once your application has been approved, you can put ads on your website by inserting a small code.
With Adsense you do not choose what type of ads appear: Google is responsible for doing it automatically according to the theme of your website and the profile of the reader. In this way you can display personalized ads for each reader, which has three benefits:
Maximize the money you can earn with advertising. The more relevant and specific an ad is, the more likely the reader will click on it.
It avoids having to contact directly with any advertiser. There are hundreds of thousands of companies advertising through Adsense.
That the ads do not seem forced. By being customized for the reader and the theme of the web, they are integrated quite naturally in the pages.
Unlike affiliate marketing, here the ideal is to create a web page that provides general information on a given topic instead of publishing comparisons and analysis.
For example, you could create a web page where you publish cooking recipes or information about dogs or even dinosaurs (like this website).
The potential of this system depends fundamentally on three things: the theme you have chosen, the number of visits the website has and the percentage of those visits that click on the ads.
Adsense ads
The first point, the subject, is fundamental, because according to that you will earn more or less money per click.
For example, on a website about cats, Adsense may advertise cat food. However, in a website about university courses surely appear postgraduate and master ads that cost a fortune.
In which one would you earn more money when a reader clicked?
Indeed, in the second. As the advertised product is more expensive, the advertiser is willing to pay more money.
To know what potential a theme has with Adsense, use the Keyword Planner. Enter the subject there and see if it is something that is searched a lot in Google, and how much you will pay advertisers per click (what is called bid).
One part of the bid (over 40%) is left by you and the other Google, so the higher the bid, the more money you can earn with a web on this subject.
For example, if you created a website with information about recipes, each click of your readers would generate between 0.10 (40% of 0.24) and 0.11 euros (40% of 0.28). This is an average of 0.105 euros per click.
The percentage of readers who click on an ad is usually around 1.5%. Therefore, if you had two thousand page views per day, the calculation of monthly income with Adsense would be as follows:
60,000 page views / month x 1.5% clicks x 0.105 euros -> 94.5 euros / month
In this case the click is paid little, so to gain a good number you would need to have a huge volume of visits.
If you created a website with information on forex and currency trading, with the same number of visits you would earn much more money:
The percentage of readers who click on an ad is usually around 1.5%. Therefore, if you had two thousand page views per day, the calculation of monthly income with Adsense would be as follows:
60,000 page views / month x 1.5% clicks x 0.105 euros -> 94.5 euros / month
In this case the click is paid little, so to gain a good number you would need to have a huge volume of visits.
If you created a website with information on forex and currency trading, with the same number of visits you would earn much more money:
Each click would generate about 4.6 euros (40% of the average of the bids), so 60,000 page views per month would result in:
60,000 page views / month x 1.5% clicks x 4.6 euros -> 4,140 euros / month
In addition to what you pay per click, the income potential is determined by the number of visits that the website has. And that depends on the number of people looking for information on this topic on Google.
Fortunately, the Google Keyword Planner also offers an approximate range of how many times a month a specific word or phrase is searched 🙂
I know first-hand people who bill thousands of euros a month with Adsense. In my case, I have only used it as a complement to badly paid and unimproved topics, and still provides me with about one hundred euros per month.
Adsense not optimized
Note: I recently started a project exclusively with Adsense, and will soon update the results here.
Monetizing web pages with Adsense is simple, but to generate thousands of euros you must choose a profitable theme and work hard creating content and positioning them in Google.
With some effort you can get a bonus a month
Does not require just investment
Relatively simple to implement
Does not require a constant content update (unlike affiliate marketing)
High competition in the markets where Adsense pays better
Usually you will need a very high volume of visits
Usually you will need a very high volume of visits
3. Sell courses and services with your blog

If the previous two were two of the best ways to earn money online, this is the BEST way to make money online.
But like everything, the more money can generate something, the more effort it requires.
It's about creating a blog about a specific topic, positioning yourself as an expert in it, and selling your own online courses for payment.
Sounds difficult? It takes effort, but it's not that complicated. The key is to choose a topic that you master, where there are people interested, and build a reputation by publishing content.
The advantage of online payment courses is that they can become totally passive systems, because once created it costs you the same to sell one than two hundred. You only have to publish it in video or PDF format and sell it through an automated system to your subscribers.
This is what I do in my blog As I am passionate about social psychology, a few years ago I decided to start a blog offering scientific and practical information to shy people who seek to improve their social relationships.
At first he hardly had any readers, but little by little he became popular. Today I monetize him with online courses where I teach to overcome social fears and achieve a more charismatic personality.
Every time someone subscribes to the blog, a sequence of emails that send you valuable information is activated. After a week, receive an email presenting the premium video course in case you want to register.
In this way I invoice on automatic pilot an average of 1,000 euros per week with something that makes me feel proud.
There are blogs and online courses of almost any subject that you can think of. From courses to learn to read faster, management of family finances or Excel for students of letters.
The only requirement is that you solve a problem that your audience would be willing to pay for.
Generating money with this system is not fast, since you must work hard to earn the trust of the readers, but you will be building a long-term, solid and differential online business.
The biggest obstacle is not technical (today it is tremendously easy to create a blog), but mental: many people believe that they have nothing to teach, are afraid to expose themselves to criticism or spend months wondering about which topic to choose.
You should know that the vast majority of bloggers have started with those doubts. But they took the step, and as they were creating content for their blog they were gaining more experience and knowledge.
So if you think you have something to contribute, however small it may be (there will always be someone who knows less than you), and do not fear exposing yourself publicly, this is your best option.
If you want to discover all the ways to earn money with a blog, visit this article.
Anyone can create a course based on their knowledge
The process can be automated 100%
Difficult that competitors can copy you
It has the highest revenue potential of all systems
You will feel more fulfilled
You must create high quality free content
Some people are afraid to expose themselves publicly
Preparing the automatic sales system requires a lot of dedication
To be completed in another article
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